Episode Transcript
[00:00:01] Welcome to new jewish dad. I'm Jacob Sager, father of five. Today we're tackling the flood of information that comes with pregnancy. In this digital age, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Let's talk about how to navigate this as a jewish father to be in Pirke Avot, we find the saying say little and do much. This wisdom feels particularly relevant when dealing with information overload. In our tradition, we value knowledge, but we also understand the importance of discernment and action. As you navigate pregnancy information, remember its not about knowing everything, but about finding whats truly valuable and putting that into practice.
[00:00:40] The moment you share the news of pregnancy, you might feel bombarded with advice, articles and apps. Its like everyone has an opinion on what you should do and know as jewish fathers to be we have an additional layer to consider.
[00:00:54] How do we balance modern medical information with traditional jewish practices and values?
[00:01:02] How do we balance modern medical information with traditional jewish practices and values? It's important to be selective about your sources. Not all information is equally valuable or reliable. Remember, generations of jewish fathers came before us without smartphones or webmd. While we have access to more information, the essence of fatherhood remains the same. Think about how you can use the information to support your partner and prepare for fatherhood rather than getting lost in a sea of data. When we were expecting our first child, I found myself constantly looking up every little detail.
[00:01:39] By the fifth, I had learned to be more selective. I realized that while information is helpful, intuition and experience also play a crucial role. Each pregnancy taught me to balance staying informed with staying present and connected to the experience itself.
[00:01:56] So here are three strategies for managing information during pregnancy. First, choose two to three reliable sources for pregnancy information and stick to them.
[00:02:06] Second, set aside specific times for research rather than constantly seeking new information.
[00:02:13] Third, discuss what you learn with your partner, focusing on information that feels relevant to your situation and values and her needs.
[00:02:22] As you navigate the sea of pregnancy information, remember the jewish value of mindfulness. Stay present in the experience. Trust in your ability to discern what's important, and don't let information overload distract you from the miracle unfolding in your family.
[00:02:39] This is Jacob Sager wishing you wisdom and discernment on your journey into fatherhood.