Episode 7

July 30, 2024


Partnering Through Pregnancy: A Jewish Dad's Guide

Partnering Through Pregnancy: A Jewish Dad's Guide
Nu, Jewish Dad Podcast
Partnering Through Pregnancy: A Jewish Dad's Guide

Jul 30 2024 | 00:04:02


Show Notes

Pickup insights on supporting your partner during pregnancy with Jacob Sager.

Learn to:

  • Communicate effectively about changing needs ️❤️
  • Balance support and self-care ‍♂️
  • Prepare for parenthood together

Explore how Jewish values can guide you through this transformative time. ✡️ Ideal for expectant Jewish fathers looking to strengthen their partnership.

#JewishPregnancyJourney #SupportivePartner

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Shalom, and welcome to new jewish dad. I'm Jacob Sager, father of five. And today we're talking about one of the most transformative experiences a couple can grow. Pregnancy. Specifically, we're diving into what it means to be the partner your spouse needs during this intense, beautiful, and sometimes just crazy journey. When I think about the partnership in pregnancy, my mind goes straight to Abraham and Sarah in the Torah. Now, these two, they've been through it all together. They've had decades to learn each other's quirks, to figure out how they have each other's back when it really matters, and to just read each other's signals and kind of know what the other person really loves and hates and just is there for them. But even for them, pregnancy was uncharted territory. Remember when Sarah overheard the news that she was going to have a child? Her reaction was to laugh. And who could blame her? The idea of starting a family at their age must have seemed impossible. But what strikes me is how Abraham responded. He didn't dismiss her reaction. He didn't try to talk her out of her feelings. He didn't make it all about men and policy and some other bullshit. He was just there, present and supportive, ready to navigate this new journey together in loving awe of his wife and the miracle that they were experiencing. And that's what it's about, being a jewish father, right? No matter how many kids you have, each pregnancy is its own adventure, and it's about the two of you. Your partner is going through so much. Her body is changing in wild ways. Her emotions are on a rollercoaster. And while some of it might be predictable, a lot of it is just this great, beautiful unknown. [00:01:39] That's where we come in as partners. Our job is to be present, not just physically, but emotionally. To really tune into what our spouse is going through, even when it's not explicitly said, and to adapt with compassion and grace to whatever each day of this pregnancy journey brings our way. It's not about being perfect. It's about being present. It's about showing up day in and day out, for the laughter and the tears, the excitement and the fear. It's about being the hand to hold, the ear to listen, the shoulder to lean on, the guy who is going to the drive thru at 02:00 in the morning. It's about being willing to grow and stretch ourselves right alongside our growing family. And here's the thing. This is how we build the foundation for a lifetime of partnership and having children. By learning to show up fully and authentically during pregnancy, we're developing the muscles of compassion, flexibility, and unconditional love that will carry us through all the joys and all the challenges yet to come. So here's my challenge to you, new jewish dad. [00:02:49] Be present. Be real. Be the partner your spouse needs in all the raw, messy, beautiful reality of this pregnancy journey. By being you. [00:02:59] Check in with her not just about the practical stuff, but about how she's really feeling. [00:03:05] Be ready to adapt your support to what she needs in each moment. And don't forget to take care of yourself, too. You can't pour from an empty cup. This is how we honor the legacy of Avraham and Sara and all the imperfect, devoted partners who came before us by showing up fully and authentically for our spouses and our growing families. You got this, dads. Now go give your partner a big hug. Tell them how amazing they are. They need to hear it, and you need to say it. And remember, being a true partner during pregnancy is not about perfection. It's about presence, compassion, and a willingness to grow. And all you need is yourself and to be right there. Embrace it. Much love. Shalom.

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